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<script type="text/javascript"> // Create a new JavaScript Date object based on the timestamp // multiplied by 1000 so that the argument is in milliseconds, not seconds. var date = new Date(%Me.CoordinatesUpdatedTimestamp%*1000); // Day part from the timestamp var day = date.getDate(); // Month part from the timestamp var month = date.getMonth() + 1; // Year part from the timestamp var year = date.getFullYear(); // Hours part from the timestamp var hours = date.getHours(); // Minutes part from the timestamp var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes(); // Seconds part from the timestamp var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds(); // Will display date and time in 10.10.2016 10:30:23 format var formattedTime = day + '.' + month + '.' + year + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(-2); document.write('%Me.seenAt% (' + formattedTime + ')'); </script> <br>
<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:%Me.Coordinates%" target=_blank>
<img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=%Me.Coordinates%&size=300x300&maptype=hybrid&sensor=false&zoom=16&markers=%Me.Coordinates%"></a> - Анька (%Anna.Location%) (label)
Anna (status)
<script type="text/javascript"> // Create a new JavaScript Date object based on the timestamp // multiplied by 1000 so that the argument is in milliseconds, not seconds. var date = new Date(%Anna.CoordinatesUpdatedTimestamp%*1000); // Day part from the timestamp var day = date.getDate(); // Month part from the timestamp var month = date.getMonth() + 1; // Year part from the timestamp var year = date.getFullYear(); // Hours part from the timestamp var hours = date.getHours(); // Minutes part from the timestamp var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes(); // Seconds part from the timestamp var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds(); // Will display date and time in 10.10.2016 10:30:23 format var formattedTime = day + '.' + month + '.' + year + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2) + ':' + seconds.substr(-2); document.write('%Anna.seenAt% (' + formattedTime + ')'); </script> <br>
<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:%Anna.Coordinates%" target=_blank>
<img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=%Anna.Coordinates%&size=300x300&maptype=hybrid&sensor=false&zoom=16&markers=%Anna.Coordinates%"></a>